
Pastelles are a favourite at Christmas time in Trinidad and Tobago, however growing up it was something that was also made for Easter and other special occasions.  
Despite being very simple to prepare it is also time consuming to put together.  They are traditionally wrapped in banana leave which contributes to the flavor and texture as it is seamed.  While some choose to totally wrap them in the leaves there are some like me, that use a combination of foil and leaves which is just as good and easier to wrap.

For me, I like preparing my filling the day before along with the leaves that has to be washed and softened over an open flame for a couple of seconds. I also create my very own assembly line with the corn meal, foil, leaves, fillings etc. all in order to make the process easier and once you start you would soon realize how easy and enjoyable it is.  This is also a good time to include the kids and spouse as it is a very good bonding experience.  My mother and father always make pastelles together and today I do it with my husband.

There are many variations to this dish, chicken, beef, pork, vege, soya or the all time favorite, beef and pork mixed, but no matter what filling is used, the process is the same. 
Corn­meal Dough 

2 cups yel­low corn­meal
3 cups warm wa­ter
1/2 cup but­ter
11/4 tsp salt

1 |lb chopped beef, chicken, pork etc.
2 onions, fine­ly chopped
2 tbs vegetable oil
1 cup chopped chives
1/4 cup chopped fresh thyme
2 pi­men­to pep­pers chopped
1/2 cup grated carrots
4 cloves gar­lic chopped
1 tbs chopped cel­ery
1 tsp fresh­ly ground black pep­per
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup toma­to sauce or ketchup
4 tbs Ca­pers
3 Tbs stuffed olives, sliced
1/4 cup raisins

Com­bine corn­meal with but­ter and salt,
Add wa­ter slowly, mixing with a wooden spoon or by hand until a pliable dough is formed.  
Di­vide the dough in­to small balls and cov­er with a damp cloth to pre­vent dry­ing.

Com­bine your choice of filling with salt and black pep­per.
Add 1/4 cup chopped chives and one ta­ble­spoon thyme.
In a large preheated pan, add oil, onion, gar­lic and  sauté.
Add pi­men­to pep­pers, re­main­ing chive and thyme, add meat and cook un­til brown.
Add toma­to sauce cov­er and sim­mer for about 15 min­utes.
Stir in raisins, ca­pers and olives and cook for about five min­utes more, taste and ad­just sea­son­ing as desired.
Re­move from heat and cool.

Place one piece of dough on a greased fig leaf, and press to an eight-inch width, 

spoon two ta­ble­spoons fill­ing on­to the mid­dle of the dough and fold and seal pastelles.

Steam pastelles for 45 min­utes un­til cooked. 
When cooled, these are even be refrigerated.

Makes 12 to 15 pastelles


  1. Ok,have to try this one for sure...loving mama's recipe box 🤗


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